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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Okay in a nutshell, I ended my relationship of 3 yrs. Bummer I know but what was I to do when someone doesnt show you love anymore...dosent reply your messages etc...

oh well, shit happens and life goes on. And besides, he seems to be doing fine and dandy without me so I dont loose anything...

i blogged @
5:41 PM

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas to you!

May god bless you and your family!

i blogged @
1:08 PM

Thursday, December 13, 2007

12 days to Christmas but somehow I feel something is amiss.

Dont read this if you dont wanna get bored...

Had a nice long talk with my friend/ friends the other day talking again about life's existence. You know me, always filled with questions probing in my mind. Sometimes all these questions be it personal or metaphysical totally consumes me and drains me. Being emotionally worrying is very tiring.

Found out something from a certain someone's past and it's constantly replaying in my mind. But slowly I am forgetting it day by day. Sometimes it's better not to know things or find out things which will in return cause you pain and hurt. I learnt that from experience. Many a times, I find myself thinking about life's outcome. What is it that we all are living for? I always believe that we are all here to Love. But in reality, life is about work. We are slaving almost 80% of our time at work and that leaves us that little time to love. Dont tell me it's a choice you take or the way your mentality thinks. Because it is TRUE. Work is our life. Yes there comes after work, which is social/ love life. But still, does that percentage overshines your life at work?

Love, faith and hope are all those principles which I am taught at Church and it does give me a brighter outlook in life. But sometimes when the crunch time comes, I always ask myself "Is it so hard just to love?" Obviously, some people do think so. I've heard of so many stories about humans being mean and treating others with disrespect. Why so? I wont say I'm any better. But I do learn and try to be better with myself. When you argue with your loved one, we automatically think of mean things to say, that's human err. I cant deny that.

My friend always tell me, you're born into this world with nothing and you'll leave this world with nothing. Why do humans have the urge to want more....more money...more material stuff...more girlfriends/ boyfriends....more this...more that...! I am guilty too, esp when it comes to shopping. Why do we have such a smart brain that we can be so cunning...have all these emotions which overwhelms me at times.

Why? Because god gave us FREEWILL....

i blogged @
3:50 PM

Monday, November 26, 2007

An old poem I wrote a long time ago. I thought it should resurface soon.
Bad poetry
I wish things were different
wishing is pointless I say
but yet I still have hopes
hopes on a wednesday
or maybe even on a friday
any other day
does it matter?
Frequent raw silence
the tolerable nonsense
withstanding patience
defining the moment
take it as a joke
or maybe not
Simplicity before thee
but yet harder than it seems
take the time to ponder
cascade through the falls
find your peace within
feathers spread wide
like a peacock.
Tingle issues you must settle
sensitivity in the new age
never wrong feeling this way
sinful jokes ahead
human trials and errors
sorry is easy to say
sincerity is hard to detect.
Abominable possibilities
thought of ways
insecurities robs us
the ship is sailing
trying to heal and smooth
worth a shot
or is it not?
Thoughts in a poem
expressions define
the way the poet feels
alienated at times
but laughter says it all
she smiles momentarily
and looks into the eyes of you.

i blogged @
12:43 PM

Behind the scenes: Schoolhouse rocks mtv shoot

It was a hot and tiring day for everyone but it ended on a peaceful note. :)

i blogged @
12:27 PM

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I feel taken for granted. I dont know. I dont know what to think anymore. I just want to feel like I felt before and not feel the way I'm feeling for the past one year or so. Why cant couples treat each other like the 1st day they met, dont tell me it's not possible because I know it is! Its up to you whether you want to work on it or not....I regret saying "it's honeymoon blah blah blah..." its all crap, dull plain crap.

dont mind me, just venting out.....

On the other hand, work is getting busy again. It's that time of the year, Christmas is coming which mean school holidays and special program line-ups for our channel. And this time, I'm in charge of Christmas. I have ideas in my minding flowing around but due to our channel's lack of budget and time, how to execute!?? DAMN. I want my ideas on TV!

Anyway, have a major shoot this sat. Filming an MTV for one of our local productions. It's gonna be one long day and there will definatly be some tantrums thrown. I mean imagine 20 kids and a bunch of men (crew) and of course 3 girly producers....:) ahem* actually not very girly when its production time.

Will post pictures of the shoot next week, mean time, gotta get back to my edit!

i blogged @
2:23 PM

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Anyone wanna win an Xbox? Watch Kids Central to find out how....

So this and last week has been pretty alright. Attending Promex yesterday @ the Arts House. Goodiebag was not bad, had alot of cool showreels and stuff. And of course the usual free stuff from channel 5 like desperate housewives tissue paper etc...what a waste of money to mass produce.

Met Geoff Calnan, trailer producer who edits hollywood movies. The first talk was pretty awesome. Told us about this 28 yr old editor who edited the trailer for Die Hard and he talked about how that guy now is pretty rich and is always playing computer games etc. First thing I thought was this stuff aint ever gonna happen in Singapore. Who is so lucky to earn big bucks in the TV industry for a full time job just by editing or executing a big campaign?

That's why sometimes, doing freelance earns you more but obviously you know the drills...pay comes late, not many assignments etc...

And I hear all these complaints about working long hours and shit. Well it's like that, no choice, you gotta do whatever it takes to get the job done. And trust me, it's never nice to be alone in the office at 2am in the morning.

esp when you have a wild imagination....

i blogged @
3:54 PM

Zulk just bribed me with chocolates cause he made me upset.

i blogged @
3:47 PM

Sunday, October 28, 2007

what's life? Are we all just here to slave away at work and die later? Honestly, what are we living for? Yes you can say that we should appreciate our lives etc...but then why are we working so hard to achieve happiness? Working hard = money = stability = happiness OR love = happiness. Its fairly simple. I don't earn much but if my love life is great, you can call me the happiest girl on earth. I don't ask for much, I just want to be loved like I love....

I'm a lil sentimental today, perhaps it's because a close friend of mine just lost her dad. First was a heart attack then the result was respiratory failure. You know heart attack is the worse. It can happen to anybody young or old, even the healthiest person on earth stands a chance in this heart game. You'll never know when it may strike. It's scary just thinking about it. Because heart attack is so sudden, it will be even worse for the victim's family. My heart really feels the pain of my friend and her family. When it comes to death, nothing can be done, no words can confort, no touch can heal....all we can do is just be there for here, let her know our presence is there with her.

My life is so monotonous everyday. Why do we do that? Why do we get up to go to work? Why do we see this need to compete. The urge of not failing. Is failure really that bad? I am starting to really detest life.

I'm tired, I'm gonna go to my bed.

to be cont.

i blogged @
4:35 AM

My brain

To us aliens are scary, to them we are the scary ones

You found me :)

I think I laugh twice as loudly as you
I love scones and muffins
I love metaphysical stuffs
I love to travel
I love my job (at times)
And I love



My favs

80 Breakfasts
Deviant art


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